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    For the recording of a video series in which all texts will be read in the Fryas language (with added images and subtitles in original and various modern languages), the order listed below is intended.
    Second alternative reading order.
    As parts will be recorded separately, playlists with a different sequence can later be created.

    <div class="column_lists">
    <div class="group">
    ===Letters of Instruction===
    ===Letters of Instruction===
    *[[En 00a Hidde|a Hidde]]
    *[[EN00a.01 Hidde|A. Hidde Oera Linda]]
    *[[En 00b Liko|b Liko]]
    *[[EN00b.01 Liko|B. Liko Ovira-Linda]]
    </div><div class="group">
    ===Script and Language===
    ===Script and Language===
    *[[En 06 Yule, Script, Numbers|6 Yule, Script, Numbers]]
    *[[EN045.01 Yule|H. Yule and Script]]
    *[[En 16e Purity of Language|16e Purity of Language]]
    *[[EN157.32 Gosa|U3. Purity of Language]]
    *[[En 14g The Brokmen|14g The Brokmen]]
    *[[EN131.26 Brokmen|S5. The Brokmen]]
    *[[En 18 Title Theft|18 Title Theft]]
    *[[EN189.01 Titles|Y. Title Theft]]
    </div><div class="group">
    ===World View===
    *[[EN097.28 Teachings1|R4. Teachings 1]]
    *[[EN100.01 Teachings2|R4. Teachings 2]]
    *[[EN032.01 Eawa|F1. Eawa]]
    *[[EN006.12 Creation|D2. Primal History]]
    *[[EN009.18 Frya|D3. Frya]]
    *[[EN011.13 Tex|D4. Tex]]
    *[[EN033.22 Minerva|F2. Minerva]]
    *[[EN044.07 Thieves|G. Three Thieves]]
    *[[EN103.26 Tale|R5. Tale and Answers]]
    *[[EN134.22 Disobedience|T2. Princes and Priests]]
    *[[EN136.08 Yesus|T2. Yesus of Kashmir]]
    *[[EN138.24 Priests|T2. False Priests]]

    ==Historical Narratives==
    ==Historical Narratives==
    <div class="column_lists">
    ===New Fryasland===
    ===New Fryasland===
    <div class="group">
    ====Deluge and Remigration====
    ====Deluge and Remigration====
    *[[En 14a Fryasland Swamped|14a Fryasland Swamped]]
    *[[EN113.23 Grievances|S1. Grievances]]
    *[[En 14b The Black Men|14b The Black Men]]
    *[[EN115.10 Swamped|S1. Fryasland Swamped]]
    *[[En 14f Northland|14f Northland]]
    *[[EN117.20 Blacks|S1. The Black Men]]
    *[[En 14c A Fleet Arrives|14c A Fleet Arrives]]
    *[[EN130.21 Northland|S4. Northland]]
    *[[EN118.32 Fleet|S2. A Fleet Arrives]]
    </div><div class="group">
    ====New Order====
    ====New Order====
    *[[En 16a Canals and Dykes|16a Canals and Dykes]]
    *[[EN143.01 Canals|U1. Canals and Dykes]]
    *[[En 16b Alliances|16b Alliances]]
    *[[EN144.17 Motherless|U2. Motherless]]
    *[[En 16c Praise and Suspicion|16c Praise and Suspicion]]
    *[[EN145.25 Danes|U2. Danish Alliance]]
    *[[En 16d Adel and Ifkia|16d Adel and Ifkia]]
    *[[EN150.19 Saxons|U2. Saxon Alliance]]
    *[[En 16f Schools and Friendship|16f Schools and Friendship]]
    *[[EN151.31 Sons|U.2 The Dad’s Sons]]
    *[[EN154.17 Adel|U3. Adel and Ifkia]]
    *[[EN162.19 Schools|U3. Schools and Friendship]]
    </div><div class="group">
    *[[En 19a War Games|19a War Games]]
    *[[EN195.01 Preparation|Z. War Games]]
    *[[En 19b Streams of Blood|19b Streams of Blood]]
    *[[EN198.19 Blood|Z. Streams of Blood]]
    *[[En 19c Reintia's Dream|19c Reintia’s Dream]]
    *[[EN202.06 Reintia|Z. Reintia’s Dream]]
    *[[En 19d Idolatry and Superstition|19d Idolatry and Superstition]]
    *[[EN205.01 Idolatry|Z. Idolatry and Superstition]]
    *[[En 19e Punishment|19e Punishment]]
    *[[EN207.14 Punishment|Z. How Punishment Came]]
    *[[En 19f Enmity and Strife|19f Enmity and Strife]]
    *[[EN208.17 Temple|Z. Enmity and Strife]]

    ===Waning Old Fryasland===
    ===Waning Old Fryasland===
    <div class="column_lists">
    ====Northeastern Peril====
    ====Northeastern Peril====
    *[[En 11a The Denmarks|11a The Denmarks]]
    *[[EN079.11 Denmarks|N1. The Denmarks Lost]]
    *[[En 11b Frana|11b Frana]]
    *[[EN082.01 Frana|N2. Frana and the Magy]]
    *[[En 11c The Magus|11c The Magus]]
    *[[EN085.12 Medeasblik|N2. Battle of Medeasblik]]
    *[[EN087.13 Afterword|O. Afterword]]
    *[[En 12 Intrigues and Division|12 Intrigues and Division]]
    </div><div class="group">
    *[[En 01a Council in Disarray|1a Council in Disarray]]
    ====Adela’s Book====
    *[[En 01b Adela’s Advice|1b Adela's Advice]]
    *[[EN087.19 Adelbrost|P. Intrigues and Division]]
    *[[En 01c Names of the Reeves|1c Names of the Reeves]]
    *[[EN001.01 Assembly|C. Council in Disarray]]
    *[[En 13b Treason|13b Treason]]
    *[[EN001.16 Adela|C. Adela's Advice]]
    *[[En 13c Death of Adela|13c Death of Adela]]
    *[[EN005.08 Names|C. Names of the Reeves]]
    *[[EN091.11 Treason|R2. Treason]]
    *[[En 13a Adel-Bond|13a Adel-Bond]]
    *[[EN093.18 Arrow|R2. Death of Adela]]
    *[[En 13h The Burg Liudgarda|13h The Burg Liudgarda]]
    </div><div class="group">
    *[[En 13i Along the Rhine|13i Along the Rhine]]
    ====Adela’s Daughter====
    *[[EN090.01 Adelbond|R1. Adel-Bond]]
    *[[EN106.10 Liudgarda|R6. The Burg Liudgarda]]
    *[[EN108.28 Rhine|R6. Along the Rhine]]
    </div><div class="group">
    ===Oldest Records===
    ===Oldest Records===
    *[[En 07a Before Bad Times|7a Before Bad Times]]
    *[[EN047.06 Before|J. Before Bad Times]]
    *[[En 07b How Aldland Sank|7b How Aldland Sank]]
    *[[EN049.11 Aldland|J. How Aldland Sank]]
    *[[En 08a Magyars and Finns|8a Magyars and Finns]]
    *[[EN050.19 Magyars|K1. Magyars and Finns]]
    *[[En 08b Wodin and the Magus|8b Wodin and the Magus]]
    *[[EN053.12 Wodin|K2. Wodin and the Magy]]
    *[[En 08c Tunis and Inka|8c Tunis and Inka]]
    *[[EN056.21 Tunis|K3. Tunis and Inka]]
    *[[En 08d Tunis and the Tyrians|8d Tunis and the Tyrians]]
    *[[EN058.01 Tyrians|K3. Tunis and the Tyrians]]
    *[[En 08e The Gools|8e The Gola]]
    *[[EN060.12 Gola|K3. The Gola]]
    ==The Mediterranean==
    ==The Mediterranean==
    *[[En 09a Kelta and Minerva|9a Kelta and Minerva]]
    <div class="column_lists">
    *[[En 09b Jon's Revenge|9b Jon’s Revenge]]
    *[[EN061.28 Burgmaids|L1. Kelta and Minerva]]
    *[[En 09c Kelta and the Gools|9c Kelta and the Gola]]
    *[[EN065.15 Jon|L1. Jon’s Revenge]]
    *[[En 09d Jon and Minerva|9d Jon and Minerva]]
    *[[EN067.09 Kelta|L1. Kelta and the Gola]]
    *[[En 04f Minerva|4f Minerva]]
    *[[EN068.17 Mediterranean|L2. Minerva and Jon]]
    *[[En 09e The Geartmen|9e The Geartmen]]
    *[[EN072.05 Geartmen|L2. The Geartmen]]
    *[[En 10b Athenia|10b Athenia]]
    *[[EN076.13 Athenia|M. Athenia in Decline]]
    ==Returnees' Tale==
    ==Returnees' Tale==
    *[[En 16g Panj-ab Report|16g Panj-ab Report]]
    *[[EN163.10 Panjab|U4. Panj-ab Report]]
    *[[En 14d Alexander|14d Alexander]]
    *[[EN120.10 Alexander|S3. Alexander the King]]
    *[[En 14e Demetrius and Friso|14e Demetrius and Friso]]
    *[[EN125.05 Demetrius|S3. Demetrius and Friso]]
    *[[EN127.28 Seabattle|S3. Friso takes Command]]

    ==Edifying Tales==
    ==Edifying Tales==
    *[[En 02a Take up your Stylus|2a Take up your Stylus]]
    <div class="column_lists">
    *[[En 02b Primal History|2b Primal History]]
    *[[EN005.30 Stylus|D1. Take up Your Stylus]]
    *[[En 02c Lyda|2c Lyda]]
    *[[EN007.01 Lyda|D3. Lyda]]
    *[[En 02d Finda|2d Finda]]
    *[[EN007.30 Finda|D3. Finda]]
    *[[En 02e Frya|2e Frya]]
    *[[EN031.04 Laws|F1. About Laws]]
    *[[En 02f Tex|2f Tex]]
    *[[EN039.05 Crete|F3. Crete]]
    *[[En 04d About Laws|4d About Laws]]
    *[[EN075.08 Ulysus|M. Ulysus]]
    *[[En 04e Eawa|4e Eawa]]
    *[[EN095.20 Ode|R3. Ode to Adela]]
    *[[En 04g Crete|4g Crete]]
    *[[EN133.17 Wilyo|T1. From the Saxonmarks]]
    *[[En 05e Three Thieves|5e Three Thieves]]
    *[[EN142.01 Prophecy|T4. Gosa’s Prophecy]]
    *[[En 10a Ulysus|10a Ulysus]]
    *[[En 13d Ode to Adela|13d Ode to Adela]]
    *[[En 13e Teachings 1|13e Teachings 1]]
    *[[En 13f Teachings 2|13f Teachings 2]]
    *[[En 13g Tale and Answers|13g Tale and Answers]]
    *[[En 15a From the Saxonmarks|15a From the Saxonmarks]]
    *[[En 15b Princes and Priests|15b Princes and Priests]]
    *[[En 15c Yesus or Buda|15c Yesus or Buda]]
    *[[En 15e Gosa's Prophecy|15e Gosa’s Prophecy]]
    ==Laws and Other==
    ==Laws and Other==
    *[[En 02g Festa|2g Festa]]
    <div class="column_lists">
    *[[En 03a Burg Laws|3a Burg Laws]]
    *[[EN014.09 Festa|D5. Festa]]
    *[[En 03b General Laws|3b General Laws]]
    *[[EN015.01 Burg|E. Burg Laws]]
    *[[En 03c Defense Laws|3c Defense Laws]]
    *[[EN019.08 Common|E. General Laws]]
    *[[En 03d At War|3d At War]]
    *[[EN021.15 Defense|E. Defense Laws]]
    *[[En 03e Security|3e Security]]
    *[[EN023.07 War|E. At War]]
    *[[En 04a Preventing War|4a Preventing War]]
    *[[EN025.04 Security|E. Security]]
    *[[En 04b Laws for Seafarers|4b Laws for Seafarers]]
    *[[EN026.21 Peace|F1. Preventing War]]
    *[[En 04c Useful Precedents|4c Useful Precedents]]
    *[[EN027.12 Seafarers|F1. Laws for Seafarers]]
    *[[En 05a Three Principles|5a Three Principles]]
    *[[EN029.12 Precedents|F1. Useful Precedents]]
    *[[En 05b Regulations and Penalties|5b Regulations and Penalties]]
    *[[EN040.11 Principles|G. Three Principles]]
    *[[En 05c Wrathful People|5c Wrathful People]]
    *[[EN040.26 Regulations|G. Regulations and Penalties]]
    *[[En 05d Evildoers|5d Evildoers]]
    *[[EN042.10 Wrathful|G. Wrathful People]]
    *[[En 15d Frana's Will|15d Frana’s Will]]
    *[[EN043.01 Evildoers|G. Evildoers]]
    *[[En 17 Koneread's Successor|17 Koneread's Successor]]
    *[[EN141.26 Successor|T3. Frana’s Will]]
    *[[EN168.20 Beden|W. Beden: First Lines]]
    [[Category:Oera Linda]]
    [[Category:Oera Linda]]

    Latest revision as of 11:08, 22 February 2025

    Second alternative reading order.


    Historical Narratives

    The Mediterranean

    Returnees' Tale

    Edifying Tales

    Laws and Other