EN106.10 Liudgarda

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    Ott 2025

    R. Apollania

    6. Apollania’s Notes

    Burg Ljudgarda

    106.10 Now I myself will write, first about my burg and then about what I have observed:

    My burg lies at the northernmost end of the Liudgarda. The tower has six sides and is three times thirty feet high, flat on top. A small observatory sits thereon, from which one watches the stars.

    On each side of the tower there is a hall, three hundred feet long, three times seven feet wide and equally high, except for the roof, which is vaulted. All is made of locally fired brick, and none are brought in from elsewhere. Surrounding the burg is a dyke, and around it a moat, three times seven feet deep, three times twelve feet wide. Looking down from the tower, one sees the shape of the Yule wheel.

    Upon the ground between the buildings on the south side, a variety of herbs grow from far and wide, of which the maidens must learn all virtues. Between the northern halls grows only meadowgrass.

    The three northerly buildings are [107] filled with grain and other stocks. Two on the south are for the teaching and housing of the young maidens. The southernmost is the burgmaid’s home. In the tower hangs the Lamp, and the walls are bejeweled with precious stones. On the south wall is written the Tex; to the right of it one finds the Primal Teachings, and to the left, the eawa (laws). The other records can be found on the other three. At the dyke, near the burgmaid’s home, stands the oven and a millstone for the making of flour, worked by four oxen.

    Outside our burg wall, the burg lords and defenders live. The ring dyke is one ‘stand’ across[1] — not a steersman’s, but a solar stand — of which there are twice twelve in a day. On the inside of the dyke is a platform five feet below the crown, with three hundred crossbows,[2] covered with wood and leather. Apart from the homes of the dwellers within, the dyke encloses yet another three times twelve houses for needy dwellers of the surrounding villages. The field serves both for military practice and as a grazing meadow.

    On the south side of the outermost ring dyke is the Liudgarda, enclosed by the great linden wood. Its shape is triangular, with the base at the southern end so that sunlight may enter in,[3] as many exotic trees and flowers grow there, brought home by the navigators.

    [108] The ordering of our burg is the same as all others, though ours is the largest — except for the one at Texland, which is the greatest of them all. The tower of Fryasburg at Texland is so high that it rends the clouds, and the rest of the burg is in proportion to it.

    Among us at our burg, it is divided thus: seven young maidens attend to the Lamp, in watches of three hours each. In the remaining time, they must do housework, study, and sleep. After seven years of watching, they are free. Then they are permitted to go amongst the people to uphold morals and give advice. After having been a maiden for three years, they may at times accompany the older maidens. The scribe must teach the young maidens to read, write, and count. The gray ones, or aldermen, must teach them justice and duty, knowledge of seeds, herbs, and healing, histories, tales, songs, and much else that is useful for giving advice. The burgmaid must teach them how to apply all this amongst the people.


    1. ‘stand’ (STONDE) — precise meaning uncertain; apparently a measure of space as well as time; cognates (Dutch/German): stonde/Stunde (meaning hour).
    2. ‘crossbows’ (KRÁN.BOGA) — lit.: ‘cranebows’, also mentioned in 128.18-129.02 and 149.23. These were possibly identical or similar to the ‘ballistae’ as described in 2 Chronicles 26:15 of the Old Testament.
    3. ‘the base at the southern end’ (THET BRÉDE BUTA) — lit.: ‘the breadth [on the] far side’.

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    In other languages

    DE106.10 Ljudgarda
    ES106.10 Liudgarda
    FS106.10 LJUDGARDA
    NL106.10 Ljudgarda
    NO106.10 Ljudgarda

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    Chapter R6: Sandbach 1876