EN075.08 Ulysus
Ott 2025
M. At Fryasburg 2
Ulysus’ Quest
75.08 In the year one thousand and five after Aldland sank, this was inscribed on the eastern wall of Fryasburg:
When twelve years had passed since we had last seen any Greeks at Almanland, three ships arrived, more elegant than any that we ourselves had — or had ever seen before. Upon the largest thereof was a king of Jon’s Islands. His name was Ulysus, and his wisdom was of great renown.[1]
It had been foretold to this king by a priestess that he would become king over all the Greeklands if he were able to get hold of a Lamp that was lighted from the one at Texland. To acquire this, he had brought many treasures, above all jewelry for maidens, more beautiful than any in the world. It came from Troy, a city that the Greeks had conquered. All these treasures were offered to the mother, but she had no interest in them whatsoever.
When at last he saw that she could not be bought, he went to Walhallagara. [076] There, a maid had her seat. Her name was Kate, though she was commonly called Kalip,[2] because her lower lip stuck out like a lookout platform. He lingered there with her for years, to the displeasure of all who knew it. According to the maidens, he eventually received a Lamp from her, though he never saw benefit from it, for, when he set sail, his ship was wrecked and he was taken aboard by the other ships, naked and empty handed.
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Chapters M, N and O: Sandbach 1876