EN138.24 Priests
Ott 2025
T. Wilyo
2. Hellenia’s Writings
Bald Priests in Rags
138.24 So what do you think that the priests did then? That I must tell you, and you must give it serious heed. Moreover, you must be vigilant against their trade and tricks, with all vigor that Wralda has imparted to you:
While Yesus’ teachings fared over the earth, the false priests went to the land of his birth to announce his death. They claimed to be [139] of his friends and pretended great mourning, rending their clothes to rags and shaving their heads bare. They went to live in mountain caves, but in these they had stored their treasures and made images in the likeness of Yesus. These images they gave to the unsuspecting people, and at long last they said that Yesus was a god; that he himself had revealed this to them, and that all who would believe in him and his teachings would enter his kingdom hereafter, where joy and pleasures reside.
Because they knew that Yesus had campaigned against the rich, they preached everywhere that poverty and simplicity were the gateway to his kingdom; that those who have suffered the most here on Earth would hereafter enjoy the greatest pleasures. While they knew that Yesus had taught that one should control and direct one’s passions,[1] they preached that one must stamp out all one's passions and that the perfection of mankind consisted in becoming as immovable as cold stone. In order to convince the folk that they did likewise themselves, they feigned [140] poverty in the streets. And to prove furthermore that they had eradicated all their passions, they took no wives; but when a daughter transgressed, it was quickly forgiven...
“The weak,” they said, “must be helped and, in order to save his own soul, one must offer generously to the temple.” In this way, they had wife and children without household, and they grew rich without working. But the folk grew much poorer and more miserable than ever before.
This religion, which requires the priests to possess no skills other than lordly talk, outward piety, and foul customs, is expanding from East to West — and will also spread over our lands. But when the priests reckon that they have utterly extinguished the light of Frya and of Yesus’ teachings, then everywhere people shall rise up who amongst themselves have silently held on to the truth, keeping it hidden away from the priests. They will be of royal blood, of priestly blood, of slaves’ blood, and of Frya’s blood. They shall bring their Lamps and the light into the open, so that all people may see the truth. They shall condemn the deeds of the priests and princes. [141] The princes who love truth and justice will distance themselves from the priests. Blood shall flow, but from it the folk will gather new strength. Finda’s folk will apply its inventiveness for the common good, Lyda’s folk its strength, and we our wisdom.
Then the false priests shall be swept from the earth. Wralda’s spirit will be honored and invoked everywhere and always. The people shall adhere only to the ‘eawa’ that Wralda laid in our souls from the beginning.[2] There shall be no other masters, princes, or bosses than those elected by the common will. Then shall Frya rejoice, and Earth shall grant her gifts to the working people alone. All this will begin four thousand years after Atland sank. And one thousand years later, neither priests nor domination shall longer be left upon Earth.
Dela, also known as Hellenia.
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Chapters S4, S5 and T: Sandbach 1876