EN082.01 Frana

    From Oera Linda Wiki

    Ott 2025

    N. At All Burgs 3

    2. Frana and the Magy

    Frana’s Prophecy

    82.01 [082] Two years later, the Magy himself came with a fleet of light boats to kidnap the mother of Texland (Frana) and steal the Lamp. He loosed his cruel plot on a stormy winter night as the wind howled and hail lashed the windows. The watchman thought he had heard something and lit his searchlight. But as the light fell on the encircling grounds, he saw that many armed men had already climbed over the burg wall. He hurried to sound the alarm, but it was too late. Before the defense was ready, two thousand men were already at work ramming the gate. Thus, the battle was short, for the guards had been neglectful in their watch and all were felled.

    While all the men were busy fighting, a vile Finn sneaked into the mother’s flat, or private chambers,[1] meaning to defile her. But the mother resisted, so that he stumbled and fell backward against the wall. When he had stood up again, he drove his sword into her belly, saying: “If you will not have my cudgel,[2] then you shall have my sword.”

    Behind him came a Danish skipper; he took his sword and clove through the Finn’s skull. Out flowed blood that was black, and a blue flame hung above it.[3] The Magy ordered that the mother [083] be nursed aboard his ship.

    When she was well enough to speak again, the Magy told her that he was taking her with him, but that she could keep her maidens and the Lamp. He said she would enjoy greater prestige than ever before. And he said he would ask her in the presence of his chieftains if he should become master over all Frya’s lands and folks, and that she must approve and affirm this, or be tortured to death.

    When later he had gathered all his chieftains around her bed, he asked ceremoniously: “Frana, since you are clairvoyant, tell me if I shall become master of all Frya’s lands and nations?” At first, Frana ignored him.

    But she finally opened her lips and spoke:

    “My eyes are darkened, but the higher light is enkindled in my soul ...

    Yes, I can see ... Hark Earth,[4] and rejoice with me!

    In the times when Aldland was submerged, the first spoke of the Yule wheel stood at the top. Thereafter, it descended — and our freedom with it.

    When two more spokes have journeyed downward, and two thousand years gone by, the sons born unto the folk through the fornication of the princes and priests shall stand up and denounce their fathers. All of these sons shall fall to murder.

    But what they have proclaimed shall be remembered and bear fruit [084] in the hearts of the virtuous, like good seeds sown in thine soil.

    Yet another thousand years shall the spoke descend, sinking ever deeper into darkness and blood — over thee shed by those who stand in defiance of the princes and priests. Yet there will come a day when the dawn glows red again, and, seeing this, the false princes and priests shall join forces to keep freedom at bay. But freedom, love, and unity shall encircle and protect the people and, with the wheel of time, they shall rise from the evil morass. The light that started as a lone glimmer shall grow and become a mighty flame. Then shall the blood of the wicked flow over thy body, O Earth,[5] but thou shouldst not drink of it.

    In the end, the toxic vermin shall feast upon it and perish.

    All the vile histories made up to bolster the position of the princes and priests shall be offered to the flames. Then, shall all your children live in peace.”

    When she had spoken, she sank back.

    But the Magy, who had not understood all she said, cried: “I asked you if I should become master over all Frya’s lands and nations, and you were here speaking to another!”

    Frana sat up once more, looked him straight in the eye, and declared:

    “Ere seven days have passed, [085] your soul shall wander about the graves with the night birds, and your corpse will lie at the bottom of the sea.”

    “Very well,” said the Magy with suppressed rage, “you can announce that I am coming.” And to one of his henchmen he said: “Throw that wench overboard.”

    That was the end of the last Folksmother.

    We do not call for revenge, for time shall take that. But, a thousand-thousand times we repeat Frya’s call:

    “Watch! Watch! Watch!”


    1. 'flat, or private chambers' (FLÉTE JEFTHA BEDRUM) — although BEDDE is used for 'bed' (120.29), BEDRUM can be more than just 'bedroom', for example 'reception room' or 'audience chamber', since BÉDA can mean 'to ask/pray/offer'.
    2. ‘cudgel’ (KUL) — this fitting metaphor is a likely cognate; ‘kul’ in Dutch is known to have meant both testicle and penis.
    3. ‘flame’ (LOGHA) — this word (plurale tantum) may be related to Greek: λόγος (logos) as well as Latin: ‘lux’.
    4. ‘Hark Earth’ (HARK JRTHA) — compare ‘erce eorþan módor’ from Anglo-Saxon charm, referred to by Grimm.
    5. ‘O Earth’ was added to clarify that Earth is addressed here.

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    In other languages

    DE082.01 Frana
    ES082.01 Frana
    FS082.01 FRÁNA
    NL082.01 Frana
    NO082.01 Frana

    Other English translations

    Chapters M, N and O: Sandbach 1876