EN157.32 Gosa

    From Oera Linda Wiki

    Ott 2025

    U. Koneread

    3. Striving for Reunion

    Gosa: Purity of Language

    157.32 His wife, he said, who [158] had been maiden at Texland, had received a copied document from there. At Texland, many writings are still to be found which are not copied in the Book of the Adelings. One of these is this text that Gosa had added to her last will, to be made public by the eldest maiden, Albeth, as soon as Friso had died.

    Here is the writing with Gosa’s advice:

    “When Wralda gave children to the mothers of mankind, he laid one language in all tongues and on all lips. This gift Wralda bestowed upon men so they could let each other know what must be avoided and what must be pursued to find blessedness and hold it for eternity.

    Wralda is wise, good, and all-foreseeing. As he knew that good fortune and happiness must flee from Earth if malice is permitted to betray virtue, he attached a righteous property to this language. This property consists in the impossibility for people to tell lies or speak deceptive words without stammering or blushing, by which the evil-hearted [159] may instantly be identified.

    Because our language thus leads to joy and gladness, and thereby helps keep watch against evil inclinations, it is rightly called ‘God’s language’. And all those who hold it in honor are blessed.

    But what has happened?

    As soon as, among our half-sisters and half-brothers, deceivers arose who presented themselves as God’s servants, things changed at once. The deceptive priests and the bitter-cruel princes, who always conspired together, wanted to live as they pleased and bypass God’s laws. In their wickedness, they went about inventing different languages, so as to speak secretly in the presence of others about all evil things and about all unworthy things without a stammer betraying them or a blush tainting their visage.

    And what was born of that?

    Just as the seed of good plants germinates under the ground when openly sown by good men in the bright light of day, so time brings to light the harmful plants that were sown by evil men in secret and in darkness.

    [160] The wanton girls and the unmanly boys who prostituted themselves to the vile priests and princes enticed the new languages from their bed partners. That is how these languages spread amongst the peoples, until they altogether forgot God’s language.

    Would you like to know what has become of this?

    Now that a stammer or the countenance no longer betray their evil thoughts, virtue has vanished from their midst; wisdom followed and freedom went with it. Unity has been lost and discord has taken its place. Love has fled and promiscuity shares a table with envy; and where justice once ruled, rules now the sword!

    All have become slaves: the people to their lords and the lords to envy,[1] evil lusts, and greed. If they had invented only one language, things might yet have gone well. But they contrived as many languages as there are states, so that one folk can understand another folk no more than the cow understands the dog, or the wolf the sheep.

    The navigators can attest to this.

    Now things are such that all slave folks look upon each other [161] as different races of men, and that, as punishment for their carelessness and their recklessness, they must continue fighting and warring with each other until all are destroyed.

    So here is my advice:

    If you are so rapacious that you desire alone to inherit the earth, you ought never again let any other language pass your lips than God’s language; and you ought to make sure that your own speech remains free of foreign sounds. Even if you wish some children of Lyda and Finda to remain, still you must do the same.

    The language of the East Skeanlanders was twisted by the vile Magyars, and the language of the Kelta-Followers was debased by the creeping Gola.[2] We have now been so generous as to take the returning Hellenia-Followers back into our midst, but I fret and am earnestly afraid that they will reward our generosity by corrupting our pure language.

    We have endured much, but among all burgs that were damaged and destroyed in the bad time, Earth has left Fryasburg unscathed, and I can add that Fryas, or God’s language, has been preserved equally intact here.

    Here at Texland, schools must thus be established. [162] From all states that keep up the old ways, the young folk must be sent here. Those who are fully educated can thereafter help the others in their homeland.

    If the other nations wish to buy your iron goods and speak about it with you, and bargain, then they must return to God’s language. If they learn God’s language, the words ‘fri-sa’ (being free) and ‘rjucht-ha’ (having justice) will take hold in them. In their minds, it shall begin to gleam and glow until all come to bear the flame. This flame shall devour all deplorable princes and all phoney, sneaking priests.”

    The messengers from near and far were pleased by this writing, but no schools were ever established.


    1. ‘and the lords’ (THA HÉRA) — has been added here to make more sense of the sentence. Original sentence without addition: “All... : the people (LJUD) of their lords (HÉRA), of envy, evil lusts, and of greed.”
    2. ‘creeping’ (SMÛGRIGE) — or: sneaking, intruding; used twice, only in this chapter (also at 162.15). Translated by others as ‘dirty’ after Dutch ‘smerig’, but Old Frisian ‘smuga’ means to creep, sneak, intrude. Probable cognates are ‘smuggle’ and Dutch/German ‘smeken/smeicheln’.

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    Chapters U3 and U4: Sandbach 1876