EN154.17 Adel

    From Oera Linda Wiki

    Ott 2025

    U. Koneread

    3. Striving for Reunion

    Adel and Ifkia

    154.17 Now I will write about Adel, his son:

    Friso, who had learned our history from the Book of the Adelings,[1] did everything possible to win their friendship. His first son born here by his wife, Sweethirte, he unhesitatingly named Adel. And, although he resisted with all his power the planning or rebuilding of burgs, he still sent his son Adel to the burg at Texland, so that he would become thoroughly acquainted with all that concerns our laws, language, and ethics. When Adel was twenty years old, Friso brought [155] him into his own school. And when he had finished there, Friso sent him to travel throughout all the states.

    Adel was an amiable young man. On his travels, he won many allies. This is why the folk called him ‘Atharik’ — that is: ‘rich in allies’,[2] something that was useful to him later, for, when his father died, he succeeded him without anyone suggesting another alderman be chosen.

    While Adel was an apprentice at Texland, there was also a very lovely maiden at the burg. She was from the Saxonmarks, from a state called Suobaland.[3] Therefore, she was known at Texland as ‘Suobene’, although her name was Ifkia.

    Adel had fallen in love with her, and she loved him, but his father urged him to yet wait. Adel was obedient, but as soon as his father died and he was enthroned, he instantly sent heralds to Berthholda, Ifkia’s father, to ask for his daughter’s hand. Berthholda was a prince of unblemished morals. He had sent Ifkia as an apprentice to Texland in the hope that she would one day be chosen as burgmaid in his own land. But once he learned of their mutual desire, he conceded and gave them his blessing.

    Ifkia was a [156] sharp-edged Frya.[4] As far as I knew her, she worked and campaigned unremittingly to reunite Frya’s children under the same laws and under one alliance. To win the hearts of the people, she traveled with her bridegroom from the home of her father, through all the Saxonmarks, and then on to Geartmania. (Geartmania was the name the Geartmen had given to their state, which they had obtained through Gosa’s policies.) From there, they went to the Denmarks; from the Denmarks they went by ship to Texland; from Texland, they went to West Fleeland and so along the seacoast to Walhallagara.[5] From Walhallagara, they continued along the southern Rhine until, with great apprehension, they arrived beyond the Rhine at the place of the Lake-dwellers (Marsata),[6] of whom our Apollania has written. After they had stayed there a while, they returned to the delta.

    As they had been descending for some time towards the delta and had reached the region of the old burg Aken, four of their manservants were unexpectedly murdered and stripped naked. They had fallen a little behind. My brother, who was present on all these travels, had often forbidden them to do so. But they had not heeded him. The brutes [157] who had done it were Twisklanders, who nowadays boldly cross the Rhine to kill and rob.

    (The Twisklanders were banished and fugitive children of Frya, but their wives they stole from the Tartars. The Tartars are a brown Finda’s folk, thus named because they provoke (‘tarta’) all nations to battle. They are all riders and robbers. This is how the Twisklanders have become so bloodthirsty.)

    The Twisklanders who had committed this crime called themselves ‘Freemen’ or ‘Franks’. My brother said there were red, brown, and white-haired among them. Those with red or brown hair bleached their hair white with limewater but, as their faces remained brown, this made them even more repulsive.

    Just like Apollania, the two concluded their journey with a visit to Lydasburg and the Alderga. Thereupon, they toured about the regions of Staveren, where dwelt their constituency. They had behaved so affably that, everywhere they went, the people wished them to stay. Three months later, Adel sent messengers to all the allies he had made, urging them to send him lucid men in the Minne month (May).[7]


    1. Or: Book of the Adela-Followers.
    2. Compare Athanaric, “king of the Visigoths”, who would have reigned from 369-381 CE (Scaligerian chronology).
    3. Suobaland (SVÔBA.LÁND) — German: Schwabenland, English: Swabia — between the Black Forest (north) and Lake Constance (south).
    4. ‘sharp-edged’ (KANT) — explained in West-Frisian dictionary by Pannekeet (1984): “Literally, kant or kantig means ‘still having sharp edges’, that is: not eroded, unpolished, still whole or sound.”
    5. ‘Walhallagara’ (WAL.HALLA.GÁRA) — possibly related to Walcheren, a former island in the Dutch province Zeeland.
    6. Marsata (MÁRSATA) — Compare Marsacii, a tribe living within the area of the Rhine–Meuse–Scheldt delta.
    7. Previous translators stated that a part is missing here, due to Ottema’s incorrect translation of DÁNA as ‘thereof’/‘of it’. When it is translated as ‘from there’ (from Texland), no gap need be assumed.

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    In other languages

    DE154.17 Adel
    ES154.17 Adel e Ifkia
    FS154.17 ADEL
    NL154.17 Adel
    NO154.17 Adel

    Other English translations

    Chapters U3 and U4: Sandbach 1876