Medeasblik, Medemblik

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    Medeasblik was one of four burgs in West Fleeland, in the time of Adela. It was located three poles, or a half tide north of the Aldergamouth with its Treasureburg.

    The name can be related to the city Medemblik, but as with many toponyms that seem to have modern equivalents, the location may not be exactly the same.


    1b. Adela’s Advice

    [004] Tuntia, maid of the burg Medeasblik (MÉDÉA.S.BLIK), never aspired to it, though she is full of wisdom and clarity, and as loyal to her folk and our ways as all others combined.

    1c. Names of the Reeves

    [005] Enoch, Diwek’s man, reeve of West Fleeland and Texland, was chosen as sea king nine times. The Treasureburg, Medeasblik (MÉDÉA.S BLIK), Forana, and Old Fryasburg are under his care.

    2a. Festa, Take up your Stylus

    [005] The following was inscribed on the walls of Fryas­burg at Texland, as well as at Stavia and Medeasblik (MÉDÉA.S BLIK): [006] It was Frya’s Day, seven times seven years since Festa had been ordained Folksmother in accordance with Frya’s desire. The burg Medeasblik (MÉDÉA.S.BLIK) was ready and a maid had been chosen. Now it was time for Festa to light the new Lamp, (...)

    8a. Magyars and Finns

    [050] The Treasureburg (...) is located three poles, or a half tide, south of Medeasblik (MÉDÉA.S.BLIK).

    11c. Death of the Magus

    [085/12] Then he sailed up the Flee Lake, as he wanted to abduct the burgmaid of Medeasblik (MÉDÉA.S.BLIK) or Staveren to install her as mother. (...) Now they set to work and sailed with their small fleet to Medeasblik (MÉDÉA.S.BLIK), where they hid in the shadow of the trees. It was a clear, sunlit day when the magus reached Medeasblik (MÉDÉA.S.BLIK), though that did not keep his men from brazenly storming the burg.
    [087] As the steersmen lay waiting in the creek, a quipster from Staveren was among them, who said: “Medea may laugh (MÉDÉA MÉI LAKKJA), if we rescue her from her burg!” Thus, the maidens named the creek ‘Medea-mei-lakkia’ (MÉDÉA MÉI LAKKIA).

    15d. Frana’s Will

    [141/26] If I should fall before I have named a successor, I recommend Tuntia, who is burgmaid at the burg Medeasblik (MÉDÉAS.BLIK).




    Medea is mentioned in ch. 14g together with Frya, Festa, Thiania (Diana) and Hellenia.