EN087.19 Adelbrost

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    Ott 2023

    Part II. Added by Oera Lindas

    12. Adelbrost: Intrigues and Division

    [087/19] My name is Adelbrost, son of Apol and Adela. My folk elected me reeve over the Linde regions. Therefore I will add to this book, in accordance with the advice of my mother:

    After the Magy was defeated and Fryasburg restored, a new mother had to be elected. The last mother had never named a successor, and there was no trace to be found of her will. After seven months, an assembly was planned in Greanega,[1] since it is close to the Saxonmarks. My mother was [088] chosen, but she was unwilling to become Folksmother. She had saved the life of my father, through which they had fallen in love and so wished to be married.

    Many tried to dissuade my mother from her decision, but she replied: “An honorary mother must be as pristine within as she appears outwardly, and equally well-disposed to all her children. Because I love Apol more than anything else in the world, I cannot be such a Folksmother.” So spoke and declared Adela. But the other burgmaids all desired to become mother.

    Each district stood behind its own maid and would not yield, so none could be elected and the realm fell into disorder. Hereafter may you understand:

    Liudgeart,[2] the military leader who recently died, had been elected when the mother was still alive, apparently with the unanimous support of all districts.

    It was his turn to live in the palace of Dokhem and,[3] while the mother was still alive, he had been regarded there with great honor because the palace was always so full with messengers and horsemen from far and wide, such as had never before been seen. But ever since the mother’s death, he had been shunned, as all feared that he would bypass the law to make himself master and rule like the slave kings. The chieftains also falsely believed it was enough [089] to watch merely over their own districts, and the one no longer cooperated with the other.

    The burgmaids were even worse. They were all immensely proud of their own wisdom, and if a reeve did something without consulting them, they sowed distrust between him and his people.

    If there was a case concerning several districts and only one maid was consulted, the others claimed her decision was biased in favor of her own state. Such intrigues brought division over all the land and tore the bonds of union so badly that jealousy arose between the folk of one district and another, and the most insignificant of disputes led to estrangement.

    The result was that the Gola, or Trowids (Druids), took over all our lands west of the Scheldt, and the Magy took the eastern region all the way up to the Weser.

    How it happened was uncovered by my mother. Otherwise, this book would never have been written — though I have lost all hope that it will help save us. Thus, I do not write this under the illusion that, in so doing, I shall be able to reclaim or preserve the land. This, I believe, is impossible. I write only for the future generations, so that they may know how we were lost, and so that all may learn from this that every evil begets its own penalty.


    1. ‘Greanega’ (GRÉNEGÁ) — or: Groningen, Netherlands.
    2. ‘Liudgeart’ (LJÛD.GÉRT) — related names: Ludger, Ludgerus, Lüdiger, Liudger; compare St. Ludger (742 - 809 CE), Christian missionary of Frisian birth.
    3. ‘Dokhem’ (DOK.HÉM) — or: Dokkum, Netherlands.

    Sandbach 1876

    The Writings of Adelbrost and Apollonia.

    [p.123] My name is Adelbrost, the son of Apol and Adela. I was elected by my people as Grevetman over the Lindaoorden. Therefore I will continue this book in the same way as my mother has spoken it.

    After the Magy was killed and Fryasburgt was restored, a mother had to be chosen. The mother had not named her successor, and her will was nowhere to be found. Seven months later a general assembly was called at Grênegâ (Groningen), because it was on the boundary of Saxamarken. My mother was chosen, but she would not be the mother. She had saved my father's life, in consequence of which they had fallen in love with each other, and she wished to marry. Many people wished my mother to alter her decision, but she said an Eeremoeder ought to be as pure in her conscience as she appears outwardly, and to have the same love for all her children. Now, as I love Apol better than anything else in the world, I cannot be such a mother. Thus spoke and reasoned Adela, but all the other maidens wished to be the mother. Each state was in favour of its own maiden, and would not yield. Therefore none was chosen, and the kingdom was without any restraint. From what follows you will understand Liudgert, the king who had lately died, had been chosen in the lifetime of the mother, and seemingly with the love and confidence of all the states. It was his turn to live at the great court of Dokhem,[1] and in the lifetime of the mother great honour was done to him there, as there were more messengers and knights there than had ever been seen there before. But now he was lonely and forsaken, [p.125] because every one was afraid that he would set himself above the law, and rule them like the slave kings. Every headman imagined that he did enough if he looked after his own state, and did not care for the others. With the Burgtmaagden it was still worse. Each of them depended upon her own judgment, and whenever a Grevetman did anything without her, she raised distrust between him and his people. If any case happened which concerned several states, and one maid had been consulted, the rest all exclaimed that she had spoken only in the interest of her own state. By such proceedings they brought disputes among the states, and so severed the bond of union that the people of one state were jealous of those of the rest, or at least considered them as strangers; the consequence of which was that the Gauls or Truwenden (Druids) took possession of our lands as far as the Scheldt, and the Magy as far as the Wesara. How this happened my mother has explained, otherwise this book would not have been written, although I have lost all hope that it would be of any use. I do not write in the hope that I shall win back the land or preserve it: in my opinion that is impossible. I write only for the future generations, that they may all know in what way we were lost, and that each may learn that every crime brings its punishment.

    Notes Sandbach

    1. Dokhem is Dokkum.

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