EN040.26 Regulations
Ott 2025
5b. Regulations and Penalties
[040/26] To maintain security, these regulations and penalties have been established:
(Finda’s folk also have regulations and penalties. However, these are not founded on justice but made only to benefit the priests and princes. That is why their cities are constantly full of discord and murder.) [041]
1. If someone is in need and unable to help himself, the maidens must make it known to the aldermen, because it does not befit a proud Frya to do so himself.
2. If someone becomes poor because he is unwilling to work, he must be driven out of the land because the cowardly and lazy are troublesome and spiteful; therefore, they ought to be expelled.
3. Every young man ought to seek a bride and, when he is twenty-five, he should have a wife.
4. If someone is twenty-five and without a spouse, everyone must ban him from their homes; the young men must shun him. If he still will not take a spouse, he must be declared dead, so that he leaves the country and cannot cause trouble here.
5. If a man is impotent, he must openly declare that no one has to fear or mistrust him; then he may come or go where he likes.
6. If, after this, he practices unlawful sexual relations, he will have to flee.[1] For, if he does not, he will be left to the vengeance [042] of those he has betrayed, and no one may help him.
7. If someone has some goods and another covets them so much that he lays his hands on them, then he must repay thrice the value. If he ever steals again, he must be exiled to the tin mines. The person robbed may forgive him if he pleases, but if it happens once more, no one can grant him freedom.
Sandbach 1876
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