EN117.20 Blacks

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    Ott 2025

    S. Frethorik

    1. Second Bad Time

    The Black Men

    117.20 For 282 years, we had not had an honorary mother. And now that nearly all seemed lost, one was to be elected.

    The lot fell to Gosa, surnamed Makonta. She was burgmaid at Fryasburg on Texland, bright of mind, clear of sense, thoroughly good — and since only her burg had been spared, it was seen by all as her calling.

    Ten years later, the navigators of Forana and Lydasburg came to her. They wished to expel the black men from the land, together with their wives and children, [118] and wanted the mother’s advice on the matter. But Gosa asked: “Can you take them back to their lands, one and all? If so, make haste, or else they will no longer be able to find back their families.”

    “No,” they answered. Gosa continued: “They have tasted your salt and eaten your bread. They have placed themselves entirely under your care. You must search your own hearts, but I will give you my advice: Keep them until you can bring them back home. But hold them from your burgs. Watch over their morals and educate them as if they were Frya’s sons. Their Frya wives are the strongest here. Their Lyda’s blood will fade away like smoke until,[1] at the last, only Frya’s blood will remain in their descendants.” And so they remained here.

    But I do hope that my descendants will discern in how far Gosa rightly spoke.

    When our lands were passable again, groups of poor Saxmen came with their wives to the regions of Staveren and the Alderga to search for golden and other jewelry in the sodden soil. But the navigators would not permit them, so they settled in the deserted villages of West Fleeland in order to preserve their lives.


    1. ‘Frya wives... Lyda's blood’ — added ‘Frya’ and ‘Lyda's’ for clarity.

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    EN115.10 Swamped ᐊ previous/next ᐅ EN118.32 Fleet

    In other languages

    DE117.20 Ehrenmutter
    ES117.20 Madre Honorable
    NL117.20 Eremoeder
    NO117.20 Æresmor

    Other English translations

    Chapters S1 and S2: Sandbach 1876