EN014.09 Festa

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    Ott 2025

    D. At Three Burgs

    5. Festa’s Guidance

    14.09 This Festa has said:

    All rules that endure for one ‘eaw’ — that is one hundred years — with the Bearer and his Wheel may,[1] on the advice of the mother and by common consent, be written on the walls of the burgs. Once they have been written upon the walls, they are ‘eawa’: laws, and it is our duty to honor them. Should necessity or coercion come to give us rules in conflict with our laws and customs, then people must do as demanded. But when the troubles have passed, then one must always return to the old ways. That is Frya’s will, and so must it be of all her children.

    Festa also said:

    All things one wishes to undertake, whatever they may be, on the day that we have dedicated to Frya, shall always go awry.

    Since time has proven that she was right, it has become a law that, absent necessity or coercion, Frya’s Day shall be reserved for joyful feasting.


    1. ‘endure (...) with the Bearer’ (KRODAR: wheelbarrower) ‘and his wheel’ (JOL: Yule, wheel of time) — metaphor for enduring, explained in 45.01; KRODAR seems related to Chronos and Krotos from Greek and Krodo from Germanic traditions. Note that the constellation ‘Great Bear’ indeed looks more like a barrow (Old English: baer) than like a bear; ‘eaw’ (ÉW) — Dutch: eeuw (century), eeuwig (eternal).

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    In other languages

    DE014.09 Festa
    ES014.09 Festa
    FS014.09 FÀSTA
    NL014.09 Festa
    NO014.09 Festa

    Other English translations

    Chapter D: Sandbach 1876