
    From Oera Linda Wiki

    Al(i)kmarum was a lake,[1] south of Forana. In this lake was an island, on which a popalation of blacks lived, who had served as rowers and were educated in Frya morals.

    The name can be related to the city Alkmaar (south of Vronen), but as with many toponyms that seem to have modern equivalents, the location may not be exactly the same.


    13i. Apollania’s Journey

    [110-111] (...) Lydasburg. This burg had a great lake where people also lived in houses set upon pilings. Those were not Frya’s folk, but black and brown men who had served as rowers to help the sea voyagers come home. They had to stay there until the next departure of the fleet. (...) South of Forana lies Alkmarum (ÀLKMÁRUM). This is a ‘mere’ — or lake — wherein lies an island on which the black and brown men abide, like they do at Lydasburg. The burgmaid of Forana told me that the burg lords visit them daily, to teach the island-dwellers what true freedom is and how people ought to live amicably with one another in order to gain the blessings of Wralda’s spirit. If any of them were interested and able to understand, he would remain as a guest until he was fully educated. That was done to elevate the foreign folks and to win allies everywhere.

    14a. Fryasland Swamped

    [117] Meanwhile, the black folk of Lydasburg and Alkmarum (ALIKMARUM) had done the same and, as they drifted southwards, they rescued many girls. And, since no one came for them later, they kept them as their wives.


    14b. Gosa: Settlement of the Black Men

    [117] Ten years later, the steersmen of Forana and Lydasburg came to her. They wished to expel the black men from the land, together with their wives and children, [118] and wanted the mother’s advice on the matter.


    1. MARUM is plural, so it may have originally been a cluster of lakes.