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    *Page [[001|[001]]] <span class="fryas"><u>THET</u> BOK THÉRA ADELA.FOLSTAR</span> followed by 13x <span class="fryas">THÀT</span> incl. as article.
    *Page [[001|[001]]] <span class="fryas"><u>THET</u> BOK THÉRA ADELA.FOLSTAR</span> followed by 13x <span class="fryas">THÀT</span> incl. as article.
    *Page [[014|[014]]] <span class="fryas"><u>THET</u> HETH FÀSTA SÉID</span> with 10x <span class="fryas">THÀT</span> and  1x <span class="fryas">THAT</span>, the latter probably being a sloppily drawn letter. <span class="fryas">THET</span>, being used as a demonstrative is equivalent to <span class="fryas">THIT</span> (used 38 times).
    *Page [[014|[014]]] <span class="fryas"><u>THET</u> HETH FÀSTA SÉID</span> with 10x <span class="fryas">THÀT</span> and  1x <span class="fryas">THAT</span>, the latter probably being a sloppily drawn letter. <span class="fryas">THET</span>, being used as a demonstrative, is equivalent to <span class="fryas">THIT</span> (used 38 times).
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    [[Category:Word Studies]]
    [[Category:Word Studies]]

    Revision as of 14:19, 30 January 2024

    list of most common two-word combinations with variants of 'THÀT'

    THÀT, THAT or THET are used as (neuter-singular) article, demonstrative, conjuntion or relative pronoun. It equates with English that and the, Dutch dat and het and German daß/dass[1] and das.


    • I wit ~ that(1) he [forgets] that(2) house ~ that(3) he has built.
    • Ik weet ~ dat(1) hij dat(2) huis [vergeet] ~ dat(3) hij heeft gebouwd.
    • Ich weiß ~ daß/dass(1) er das(2)[3] Haus [vergisst] ~ das(3) er gebaut hat.
    English Dutch German
    (1) conjunction voegwoord Konjunktion
    (2) demonstrative (pronoun) aanwijzend voornaamwoord Demonstrativum
    (3) relative pronoun betrekkelijk voornaamwoord Relativpronomen

    Spelling variety

    Whereas THET can easily be distinguished in the manuscript from THAT/THÀT, it's often hard to tell whether the copyist intended to write A or À. Therefore, the following distribution of frequency of use is an estimation (total n=955):

    THÀT 53% ( n=506), THAT 36% (n=348), THET 11% (n=101).[4]

    From other word studies it is known that À and E are often used interchangeably, which suggests that pronunciation will have been similar.

    To gauge whether a certain spelling may have been preferred in particular combinations (of sounds?), a sample of common two-word combinations was made. Note that THET is used relatively often in the expression THET FORMA (at first)[5]: 6 times versus 8 times THÀT and the unaccented THAT seems to be more common in the combination THAT WI (that we): 17 times versus 11 times THÀT WI.


    Before one preferred spelling is chosen (perhaps differentiated by use as conjunction, demonstrative or relative pronoun), further research is desirable.

    In certain texts that look like they were copied with care, different spellings may have been used for different uses of the word, for example:

    • Page [001] THET BOK THÉRA ADELA.FOLSTAR followed by 13x THÀT incl. as article.
    • Page [014] THET HETH FÀSTA SÉID with 10x THÀT and 1x THAT, the latter probably being a sloppily drawn letter. THET, being used as a demonstrative, is equivalent to THIT (used 38 times).


    1. daß is traditional, dass more modern spelling
    2. Or: THÀT HI.
    3. In German, demonstrative is the same as the article. To stress it in written language, da can be added: "Das Haus da." (In spoken language, one would change intonation or point a finger.)
    4. Figures include compounds like THATSTE, NÉITHAT. The unedited varieties were counted. The figure for THET includes 5x e HETH and 2x THETH that were edited to THET.
    5. also in THET TWÉDE (secondly) and THET THREDDE (thirdly).