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    ==Ott 2023==
    ==Ott 2023==
    '''16e. Gosa: Purity of Language'''
    '''16f. Schools and Friendship'''
    ''[part missing]''

    '''[[162|[162/19]]]''' Then Adel established schools himself. After him, the other princes did likewise.
    '''[[162|[162/19]]]''' Then Adel established schools himself. After him, the other princes did likewise.

    Revision as of 11:03, 9 February 2024

    Ott 2023

    16f. Schools and Friendship

    [162/19] Then Adel established schools himself. After him, the other princes did likewise.

    Every year, Adel and Ifkia went to inspect the schools. If they found among the natives and returnees such who expressed mutual friendship,[1] they were both very pleased. If some of them swore each other friendship, Adel and Ifkia invited all the people to gather together and, with great ceremony, had their names written in a book, which they called the “Book of Friendship”, and [163] afterwards held a celebration.

    All these actions were taken to reunite the sundered branches of Frya’s tree. But the maidens, who envied Adel and Ifkia, said that they only did it to acquire a good reputation, and to gradually bring the states of other people under their rule.

    Sandbach 1876

    [p.219 cont.] Then Adel established schools himself. Every year Adel and Ifkja went to inspect the schools. If they found a friendly feeling [p.221] existing between the natives and foreigners, they were extremely pleased. If there were any who had sworn friendship together, they assembled the people, and with great ceremony let them inscribe their names in a book which was called the Book of Friendship, and afterwards a festival was held. All these customs were kept up in order to bring together the separate branches of Frya's race; but the maidens who were opposed to Adel and Ifkja said that they did it for no other reason than to make a name for themselves, and to bring all the other states under their subjection.


    1. ‘returnees’ (UTHÉMAR) — lit.: foreigners, referring here to re-migrants from the Indus Valley (Panj-ab), Athens and the Ionian Islands.

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    En 16d Adel and Ifkia ᐊ previous/next ᐅ En 16f Panj-ab Report

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    En 16d Adel and Ifkia ᐊ previous/next ᐅ En 15e Gosa's Prophecy