EN143.01 Canals

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    Revision as of 07:50, 22 February 2024 by Jan (talk | contribs) (separate note Sandbach)

    Ott 2023

    16. Added by Koneread

    16a. Canals and Dykes

    [143] One after the other, my ancestors have written this book. I will do the same, above all because there is no burg left in my state where events are recorded as before. My name is Koneread, my father’s name was Frethorik, my mother’s name Wilyow. After father’s death, I was chosen as his successor. And when I was fifty years old, they elected me principal reeve.

    My father wrote how the Linde regions and the Liudgardens were destroyed. Lindaheim lies yet in ruin, the Linde regions partially so. The northern Liudgardens are covered by the salt sea; foaming waves lick the ring dyke of the burg.

    As father mentioned, the people who had lost everything came and built small houses inside the ring dyke of the burg. Therefore, this surrounding tract is now called Liudwerd. (The steersmen say ‘Liuwrd’, but that is mispronounced.[1])

    In my youth, the remaining land outside the ring dyke was all pools and swampland, but Frya’s folk is competent and diligent. They neither tire nor weary of their tasks when they have a clear goal in view. By digging canals and building dykes with the soil that came out of the canals, we have a good domain again outside the ring dyke, which has the appearance of a palace garden measuring three [144] poles eastward,[2] three southward, and three westward.

    We are currently making a foundation of piles to construct a harbor and, at the same time, to protect our ring dyke. When the work is done, we will recruit steersmen.

    In my youth, this area was in a deplorable condition. But, today, the huts have given way to neat rows of houses. Lack and ruin, which had crept in with poverty, have been driven out by diligence.

    From this, all people may learn that Wralda, our All-feeder, provides for all his creations as long as they keep their spirits up and are willing to help one another.


    1. ‘mispronounced’ (WAN.SPRÉKE) lit.: ‘vain-speak’.
    2. ‘palace garden’ (HOF) — the traditional translation ‘hoof’ hardly makes sense; HOF/HOVE/-A elsewhere (7 times) refers consistently to the residence of royals or very wealthy people, never to a hoof.

    Sandbach 1876

    The Writing Of Konerêd.

    [p.195] My forefathers have written this book in succession. I will do this, the more because there exists no longer in my state any citadel on which events are inscribed as used to be the case. My name is Konerêd (Koenraad). My father's name was Frethorik, my mother's name was Wiljow. After my father's death I was chosen as his successor. When I was fifty years old I was chosen for chief Grevetman. My father has written how the Lindaoorden and Lindgaarden were destroyed.[1] Lindahem is still lost, the Lindaoorden partially, and the north Lindgaarden are still concealed by the salt sea. The foaming sea washes the ramparts of the castle. As my father has mentioned, the people, being deprived of their harbour, went away and built houses inside the ramparts of the citadel; therefore that bastion is called Lindwerd. The sea-people say Linwerd, but that is nonsense. In my youth there was a portion of land lying outside the rampart all mud and marsh; but Frya's people were neither tired nor exhausted when they had a good object in view. By digging ditches, and making dams of the earth that came out of the ditches, we recovered a good space of land outside the rampart, which had the form of a hoof three poles eastward, three southwards, and three westwards. At present we are engaged in ramming piles into the ground to make a harbour to protect our rampart. When the work is finished we shall attract mariners. In my youth it looked very queer, but now there stands a row of houses. [p.197] Leaks and deficiencies produced by poverty have been remedied by industry. From this men may learn that Wr-alda, our universal father, protects all his creatures, if they preserve their courage and help each other.

    Note Sandbach

    1. The letters 'n' in Sandbach's Lindgaarden, Lindwerd and Linwerd are not OCR-errors. They were printed like this but should obviously have been 'u'.

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